
Not all supplements can be utilized by dart frogs. Here's a quick overview of which are good and which should not be used as an all-in-one supplement.

Because of the greatly reduced variety and quality of feeders we can offer in captivity compared to their wild diet, we need to dust the feeders with supplements to ensure there are no deficiencies. All-in-one supplements are the go-to for most froggers, with additional supplements rotated in as desired. You'll find various breeders have found what works best for them. If in question, discuss with your breeder or stick with the basics and expand as you learn.  


An all-in-One supplement is the general hobby choice for supplementing as only one bottle is needed for raising froglets up to healthy adults. 

Store all supplements in the fridge, in a cool dark location. It is best to replace supplements within 6 months of opening. There is usually a stamped freshness date on the bottle itself, but this does not mean the supplements are good until that date after they've been opened and exposed to air. Vitamins oxidize and lose their effectiveness. Deficiencies have been seen ~6 months not refrigerated, and ~8 months refrigerated. So, it is recommended to store them in the fridge and replace them 6 months after the bottle has been opened. The majority of health problems with dart frogs are easily prevented with proper supplements.  A $10-20 supplement 2x a year is a very small price to pay than to watch a pet suffer temporary or permanent damage.

There are 2 brands of All-in-One supplements easily found in the USA hobby and at least one of these is usually easily ordered online around the world. Not all supplements are properly ratioed or have bio-available vitamins needed for dart frogs. If these are not available in your country, reach out to social media dart frog groups and confirm with breeders what has proven to work long term for them. Careful with gathering information from new keepers - you want proven information as sometimes deficiencies can take a year to show up and not everyone recognizes resulting health problems. 

Hobby trusted brands include Repashy Calcium Plus and Dendrocare:

Repashy Calcium Plus

Hobby-favorite All-in-One supplement, easily found across USA and online. Company is based in California USA


An All-in-One supplement
occasionally found in USA stores.
Company is based in the Netherlands.

Improper brands as All-in-One Supplements:

Note, there are many brands that should NOT be used on their own. Some of these have been recommended by large breeders within a rotation schedule. Please note that if a breeder is using a rotation of multiple supplements, you cannot expect good results by stripping one from that same rotation. If in question, gather information from multiple people and long term keepers. Some brands that cannot be used as All-in-One options include: Nekton Rep-Calcium +D3, ZooMed, RepCal, Tetra, and Reptivite. Some people include these in their rotation, but they should not be used as an all-in-one supplement. 

Calcium with D3
Not an All-in-One

Rep-Cal MultiVitamin
Not an All-in-One

Fluker's Reptile Vitamin
Not an All-in-One

ZooMed Reptivite
Not an All-in-One

Not an All-in-One

Sticky Tongue Farms Miner-All
Not an All-in-One