
Dart frogs shed and eat their skin (similar to how reptiles shed their skin). While it looks weird, it is normal and keeps their skin clean and healthy.

The frog hunches over, opens its mouth wide and often, and alternatively rubbing its body with its front and back feet. A thin film of skin slowly releases from the body and is pulled into the mouth. This process has often scared new keepers because the frog looks like it is choking. 

Dart frogs shed their skin often, but exactly how often isn't exactly known. At least daily seems to be the general consensus. It only takes a few minutes. If it lasts longer than 10 minutes then take note as there could be something like a human or pet hair wrapped around the head / arm of the frog and will likely need to be removed.


Dendrobates tinctorius

Youtube: Average Creation @AverageCreation 

Ranitomeya reticulata

Youtube: Joan Silva @JS441979

Dendrobates tinctorius

Youtube: chrissy @teeniefaerie

Dendrobates leucomelas

Youtube: Chris Duncan @Chrisduncan3943