Thanatos / Threat Response: 

Natural behavior in response to perceived threat

the name derives from Thanatos, the personification of death in Greek mythology. And as one could expect, the response can freak froggers out because it looks like the frog just ups and kicks the bucket.

The frog freezes and holds the arms and legs in a bent fashion, tucked under or close to the body. Typically noticed with the frog upside down (belly up), but is not a requirement.

This behavior is a defense tactic to reduce predation. 

This behavior is more common to see with young froglets or smaller species such as Ranitomeya. Outside of dart frogs, it is also seen in some tree frog species such as mossy frogs.


Continued disturbance of the frog will have them bolting, but it is best to reduce the stressors and let them calm down.


Not to be confused with hypocalcemia, where the frog trembles, often with legs outstretched.


Ranitomeya vanzolini

Froglet showing threat response to a checkup
(Photo credit: Justin Floyd)

Ranitomeya imitator 'Green'

Froglet showing threat response after leaf was lifted off
(Photo credit: Nikki Sigmon)

Dendropsophus marmoratus
(South American Bird Poop Frog)

Frog showing threat response
(Photo credit: Justin Floyd)